Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Week 2 is history.......

Well, treatment #2 is history, anyway....the week has just begun!

Yesterday's treatment was my first "mini" day. Instead of the entire litany of drugs from the week before, I was only scheduled to receive one drug, Herceptin. This drug is my weekly friend; I am scheduled to receive it for the entire duration of 2006. Obviously, getting just one drug instead of four should decrease the time spent at the doctor's office, right? Well......normally, but not yesterday. Due to some staff miscommunication and an omission on one particularly important calendar, my office visit took about an hour longer than it should have. But, it all worked out. My neighbor was gracious enough to take time out of her day (and willing to drag along her 3 year old!) to chauffeur me there and back. They roamed the mall while I received my treatment. It was a beautiful day, and I relished in the chance to soak in some of the sunshine as I waited outside for her to pick me up.

Other than the expected Benadryl "buzz", I felt pretty well the rest of the day. Tired but otherwise fine. I have, however, decreed that Mondays are to be considered "treatment days" and are not eligible for other calendar appointments or "to do" list items. That way, when I come home from the clinic, I won't feel guilty about taking a nap!

Today has been good, too. I've sat in on school with the girls, paid bills, and have run errands; I even managed to take care of early voting. Michael and I are supposed to be going to a Rockford College alumni gathering near the Galleria tonight. It was not originally on our calendar, but after hearing from the organizer last night, I told Michael that I thought we should go. I think he was secretly hoping that I might be feeling just a bit poorly from the chemo, and he could get out of it! After all, he does need to drive up to Dallas before dawn tomorrow.

As I read this over, I don't think that it sounds very newsworthy. But, it is an update; it does let everyone know how things are going. I won't bore you with the minute details of the few side effects I have started to experience. Right now, things are manageable and not at all worrisome. I would ask for continued prayer that the side effects would be minimal and that life won't be too disrupted by these cancer treatments. I am grateful to the energy that I do have. God has been faithful to us in so many ways so far.

"I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth." ~Psalm 34:1


At 10:08 AM, Blogger TobyBo said...

Hi Kim,

Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't be apologetic for the entry not being "newsworthy." Boring is basically what I hope for on medical things. I think nothing is much worse than when the doctor tells you what an interesting case it is.

You are in my prayers. But that's not news, either. :)

Under the Mercy,


At 9:53 PM, Blogger TobyBo said...

I am back with another comment, not that I have anything useful to say but I can't stand the way your page says "1 Comments." Homeschool Moms can be SO picky, at least, up North we are. :)

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Kim said...


You crack me up! It *is* a bit unnerving, isn't it?

Thanks for the giggle, as well as the encouragement!

At 5:47 PM, Blogger Leni said...

Hi Kim! Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and praying for you!



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