L-O-N-G overdue update
Shall I hang my head in shame for not updating this blog in a year's time? Or shall I rest in the fact that "no news means good news?" Since hanging my head does no good, I simply will claim option 2 and proceed with the post.Since I last met you (sounds like a good lead in to a movie mystery.....), I have twice been seen by both my radiation and medical oncologists. I see them every six months, but they have the appointment rotation arranged so that I am being seen by one of them every 3 months.
And...........no news is GOOD news! All of my labs and check ups over the past year have been positive, with no sign of a recurrence of the cancer that first came on the scene 4 years ago. The only issue of note over the past year is that my bloodwork came back last summer with me exhibiting a Vitamin D deficiency. Three months of gigantic, teal colored Vit. D capsules later, my labs showed a marked response to the supplement. Right now, I continue on a much lower maintenance dosage to keep my numbers up. Dr. Holmes feels that there is significant evidence to show that Vit. D plays a role in preventing breast cancer from returning. So, taking one tiny pill a day isn't a problem.
My last visit to Dr. Holmes' office was at the end of January. There was great euphoria in the exam room as I was able to record a 15 pound weight loss since my previous visit 6 months ago. Hugs all around and an exclamation of "Less is more!"......it's nice to make your doctor happy, in addition to knowing you are doing something to be proactive towards better health.
I've realized something interesting recently.......
This year's anniversary of my initial diagnosis passed without my remembering. Wow. I didn't think that would ever happen. January is "the" month, but I find it interesting that the exact date, which had been ever present in my mind in Januarys of the past, came and went this year without recollection. This is progress. I wonder if other cancer-related milestones will follow suit and fade from memory as the years progress? I can only trust that as God graciously allows me to grow older, my mind will store those memories farther and farther away.
So, life goes on. I keep doing the things I am supposed to do to stay healthy and continue to trust in God's infinitely better plan for my life! Without Him, I would have given up long ago!
Praise the Lord!
what a happy update. :D
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