Rained out........
Overnight, we experienced what in Houston is called a "rain event." This is what the local weather people call what happens when a lot of rain falls on the city in a short time period. The result usually is major street flooding. Last night and this morning were no different. While we didn't get a torrent of rain northwest of the city, there were parts of the southern side which I hear got around 12 inches. This is what the morning radar looked like, after the brunt of the storm had passed through:
Anyway, I started out for the doctor's office in good faith this morning (trying to leave early, but not quite making it), but the roads were so bad between the parking lot on the freeway and the flooded local roads that I packed it in and headed home. I figured that since the office is in an area notorious for flooding, my chances of avoiding problems diminished greatly as I headed south. It was taking me forever to navigate just in the areas which didn't get a lot of rain.
Instead, I headed to Wal-Mart to do some much needed shopping and avoided a lot of crowds since it was early in the morning and raining, to boot! While in Wal-Mart, I called the doctor's office and rescheduled my appointment for tomorrow morning. By then, the waters should have subsided!
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