Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Trying to get through the list........

This is a very busy week for me. I am finding that I need to try to plan things around the chemo weeks. So, this week I have planned something which takes me away from the house each and every day of the week. The week looks something like this:

Monday - drive to doctor's office for Herceptin treatment
Tuesday - 8 AM PET scan, followed by quick trip to mall (yeah, right) and Sam's
Wednesday - orthodontist appointment for Kathryn
Thursday - take Meaghan and friends out for a very belated birthday lunch
Friday - piano lesson
Saturday - baby shower and dinner with friends

Of course, this does nothing to help me get through me "in the house" to do list, but that's another story.

I told Michael yesterday, after returning from the mall, that I wish I had the stamina I used to have (maybe when I was 25? LOL!). I was out for nearly 6 hours and came home very tired. I also needed to stop by the pharmacy yesterday to fill new prescriptions to start the new chemo drugs on Monday. I need eye drops to help counteract a possible side effect; I need stuff to help ward off yeast infections.....the list goes on.....It's really all fine, but it is a bit hard to keep track of everything!

I'm dealing with some joint pain this morning. Actually, it was late yesterday, too. So, I need to call the nurses to see what I can take. In the past, if I ever had an ache similar to this, I would take Advil. But, I'm not supposed to take that now, so I need to see if they have an alternative for me. Not that I really want to take something else, after all, but the pain is making me uncomforatble enough I would like it to go away!

Lest anyone think I am being a "whiner-baby," things here are actually going quite well! We have a long-awaited new refrigerator which is making all sorts of ice now. We are finishing up with our school year and making plans for what new classes we will take on for the summer. Work is going well for Michael. He's putting in lots of hours, but what else is new? God is blessing in so many areas, it's hard to list them all!

Speaking of blessings......I just got a very unexpected flower delivery. There is a beautiful vase of flowers sitting in front of me now, accompanied by a wonderfully encouraging note. What a loving gift from some very special friends. And what a great way to start out the day! I think it is so neat how God knows just the right times to send blessings by our way.

"Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not his benefits: who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." ~Psalm 103: 1-2


At 7:19 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

((((Kim)))) No one could think of you as "whiner-baby", lol!

Anyway...if anyone calls you that they'll have to deal with ME!!!


At 9:56 AM, Blogger ~b~ said...

hey! i can finally comment on your blog! woohoo! good reading about you this week. thank you for keeping us up-to-date. are you coming to the used curriculum sale? would love to see you there! why won't they let you take advil? hmmmmm. leaving for arlington today. will email ya when i get back.

At 8:18 AM, Blogger Kim said...

Thank you so much for a wonderful lunch - the girls will remember this forever. We will miss Meaghan and Katherine - I've often wished we had lived closer so visiting wasn't such a big event. We'll also miss you and Mike and the boys, but at least I can read your blog to see how you are doing. I hope your treatments go well today. We pray for you daily in our morning time together.

Love, Dawn


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