Thursday, March 23, 2006

The club

I had it described to me as such.....when you have cancer, or a child with cancer, you immediately join a club you do not want to join. How true this statement is! One really does not understand the magnitude of the diagnosis until you are faced with it yourself. Even though my mother was a breast cancer patient for 8 years, I never really understood what she went through. I might have thought I knew something about it, but I was really clueless.

I saw another member of "the club" today. Our eye doctor is a dear Christian man whose youngest daughter was diagnosed with leukemia when she was just 13. I remember the day I was in his office, and he told me. I remember checking on her status each time I would take one of the children in for an exam. I asked about her today; he was thrilled to report that she has been in remission since October. Today, she is a senior in high school with future plans to become a pediatric oncology nurse. Praise God!

He had more to share with me, though. He told me that doctors have discovered a tumor in his wife's brain, right behind her optic nerve. They don't know yet whether or not it is cancer. Believe it or not, they have to wait and watch it for a while. He said that this is a situation for which they cannot do a biopsy; they just have to wait. It might be something life threatening, or it might be something much more manageable. I cannot imagine how hard this must be for them.

He was a kindred spirit to relay my own story to........I could see the sadness on his face as he truly understood the situation our family is facing. He knows the disruption. He knows the uncertainty of it all. Most importantly, however, he also knows that God is in control of my life just as He has been in control of his daughter's. As I was walking out of the exam room, we were agreeing how truly hopeless cancer must seem to those who don't have that reassurance. And we thanked God together that we both have hope in our Heavenly Father's love and care.

So, I have a new family of prayer warriors praying for me tonight. And I will be praying for this family well as the other families I know who are a part of "the club." It is amazing how far and wide the membership ranks reach. Sad but true.

"I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust."
~Psalm 91:2


At 8:58 AM, Blogger Kim said...


I'm not a member of the club, but so many of my friends (even relatives) have been in the past couple of years.

We love you, pray for you, expect God's best for you, rejoice with you as you see His goodness to you.


At 6:16 PM, Blogger ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ said...

Thank you for sharing. I am thankful you have those in "the club" to pray with you and relate to you. I know it hurts. I'm in a couple of clubs too. Ones, I never anticipated joining or wanted to join - one for moms who've lost a baby - and one for those who've lost a teen to the choking game. I don't like these clubs, but like you, we can share, we can cry together, and yes, rejoice together. Most of all, we can pray together - and be a testimony to those in our club that don't know Jesus. Yes, ALL things DO work together for good for those that love Him.

At 7:28 AM, Blogger TXArtcGal said...

Sometimes it does help you get through things when you belong to a "club" with others that understand or have been there. I also belong to a couple of "clubs" that have helped me get through various situations in my life...times that I truly could not have gotten through alone. ((((Kim))))...praying over here for you!...and, thanking the Lord for you each day! You are a strong woman, Kim!!


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