Wednesday, September 13, 2006

False start

Sounds like one of Justin's football posts, doesn't it?

I thought I was having my first radiation treatment today. I was even talking to a friend on the phone as I was walking into the building for my appointment. But, instead of getting "zapped," they took a few more x-rays. The radiation oncologist came in to check my scar, and he decided he wanted to give it a few more days to heal (there are still scabs, etc.). So, my new start date is Monday, the 18th - one month to the day of my surgery and 8 months to the day of my diagnosis. I have mixed emotions, of course. I had gotten myself all psyched up for the big event. But, again, God's plans are not my plans (good thing!), and He knows better.

My recovery from surgery and subsequent pneumonia seems to be nearing completion. I had a follow up with my primary doctor yesterday. My lungs sounded fine and dandy to him. He wanted me to get both a flu shot and pneumonia shot before I left. Because I can't take shots in my left arm anymore, I got them both in my right arm. What fun! I go next Monday, after my radiation treatment, to meet with my surgeon for a follow up. Doctors, doctors, and more doctors!

So, I am free of appointments until Monday. And for that, along with so many other things, I am thankful.

Please don't forget....if you haven't had a chance and still want to support Jaybird's walk for breast cancer this weekend, visit her webpage and make a donation. She'll be walking 60 miles Friday through Sunday, plus camping at night all because she cares and wants to help fight this nasty disease. If I could be there, I would be walking by her side. Instead, I'll be praying for her stamina and comfort, for good weather, and that her husband and 3 sons won't miss her too much while she is away. Thanks, again, J - "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus." ~Philippians 4:10


At 6:29 PM, Blogger TobyBo said...

I am always glad to be able to update your prayer list.

And I just wanted to say, both my oldest DD & I enjoy your family blog so much... we just wish everyone in your family posted sometimes so we could get to "know" all of you. She is trying to talk my DH into us starting a family blog, too. :)


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