Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Not much new.........

There really isn't much new and exciting to blog about these days. I guess that is a good thing.

I have had 6 radiation treatments so far. I am getting the hang of the procedure and what to expect each time I go. That I can have everything finished and be back home within an hour is a huge blessing to me. I see the radiation oncologist on Tuesdays, so today, after my treatment, he and I will have a pow wow and discuss how things are going. I'm not experiencing any real issues with the radiation so far, although I do detect a bit of skin tenderness. Who knows if it is from the treatment or not, though.

I had a Herceptin treatment yesterday, too, so that made for a busy day. Going every three weeks is really different from making my weekly trips like I did for chemo. New faces are mixed in with the familiar faces; I wish that wasn't the case, as we all know why they are there.

Please pray for one of our church families this week. The James family, Mark, Suzie, Kelly and Travis lost their dear son and brother, Cameron, last year this Friday. Please pray that God would envelope them with His love and peace as they still feel such a void in their family. Cameron is home with Jesus now, free of the cancer that shortened his young life. While that is a comfort beyond measure, the pain of his loss is still so overwhelming for his family. Thank you for being willing to help uphold this dear family. And again, thank you for all the prayers that you have brought before the throne of grace on behalf of our family as well.


Come, ye who from your hearts believe
That Jesus answers prayer,
Come boldly to a throne of grace
And claim His promise there,
That, if His love in us abide
And we in Him are one,
Whatever in His Name we ask
It surely will be done.

Come lovingly and trustingly,

Take Jesus at His Word,
For He has said, “the prayer of faith
Was never yet unheard.”

If in the "fountain filled with blood"
Our sins are washed away
Come boldly to a throne of grace,
Rejoicing that we may
Come boldly to a throne of grace,
And bless the Lord our King—
Who fills our grateful hearts with praise,
And tunes our tongues to sing.

Come lovingly and trustingly,
Take Jesus at His Word,
For He has said, “the prayer of faith
Was never yet unheard.”

From every precious, golden hour
We spend in fervent prayer,
We gather strength from day to day
For each returning care;
And, while with true, believing hearts
We bow before His throne,
There’s not a promise He has made
But we may call our own.


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