Saturday, July 28, 2007

Checking in......

The busy summer continues. We just finished a week of VBS at our church. I was blessed to be able to volunteer this summer; last summer, I was in the middle of chemotherapy and needed to watch from the sidelines. August is just around the corner. I will meet with both oncologists in 2 weeks and see "What's up?" Personally, I am praying that the answer will be "Nothing!" I will report back with another update as those dates pass, news or no news.

For those of you who have been praying for Leanne, she is HOME! I am posting the last blog entry made by her dad. I am sure he wouldn't mind me sharing their good news. Please continue to pray for Leanne as perseveres in her war against leukemia.

From Leanne's blog:

Thursday, July 26, 2007 10:10 AM CDT


God's perfect time and plan were revealed, in part, yesterday as Leanne was released from the hospital and she and Fayrene returned home last night!

They were so thankful to be in their own home after 5 weeks in the bone marrow unit at TCH.

God has blessed us through this time in so many ways - I don't know where to begin. Fayrene has been at Leanne's side this whole time - I could not pry her away. She is a perfect example of a mother's love and devotion for her family. I am so blessed by her. Leanne's sisters, Lindsay and Laura, have both been unbelievably helpful behind the scenes. They have demonstrated love and graciousness to their sister and parents. I am very proud of their selflessness and sweet spirit amidst a time so difficult for them.

God has used so many of you to bless us. We have received so much prayer support, so many acts of kindness from friends and family, our church staff has been awesome to visit and stay in touch and the prayer room has been faithfully praying, many caring doctors and nurses, our DONOR!!!!...the list goes on and on. I wish I could publicly thank each of you but I fear I would leave out someone, so THANKYOU all.

Leanne will now be in isolation at home for the balance of the 100 days. Her doctors told us to remember that her immune system is in it's infancy - she will be susceptible to everything and will have to go through all the childhood diseases, and immunizations, again. She is on IV nutrition until she can eat well and receives IV anti-rejection meds among others for a few months. She will be monitored in the bone marrow unit every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the next several months. She has bravely come so far and has critical days ahead.

We have learned new lessons about God's grace, His provision, our dependency on Him and His perfect timing, our own plans vs. His, His ultimate sacrifice for us and certainly the truth of Proverbs 3:5. Learning how to be thankful despite the circumstances has had an incredible impact on us all. The Lord has indeed been faithful to my family!


Thanks for checking in.

God sure is good, isn't He?