730 days later........
January 18, 2006 was spent sitting in a doctor's office hearing news that would change my life forever. "You have breast cancer." Welcome to the club.Fast forward 730 days to January 18, 2008:
So far today, I have:
- awakened next to my husband, to the sound of rain on the roof
- seen Justin off to work
- taken the girls to piano lessons, getting to drive for the first time on the new bypass!
- returned a dress to Macy's
- stopped at McD's for coffee to ward off the chills of a damp and drizzly January morning
- stopped at the grocery store to purchase chicken for dinner
- made deposits at the credit union
- picked the girls up from piano lessons
- driven home
- chatted with the neighbor to schedule Kathryn to babysit
- invited a friend and her husband to use extra opera tickets we have for this evening
- read countless e-mails, blog posts and news update
And.......it's only 1 P.M.!
There are still countless things to do today and more on the docket for tomorrow and the days and weeks to come. There trips being planned. There is a wedding being planned! There is LIFE to live!!!
I humbly give thanks to God for giving me these past 730 days. Who knows what tomorrow may bring; there are no guarantees. While so much that goes on each day might seem mundane, and at times even frustrating, I constantly purpose to appreciate each and every one of those days He gives me as a precious gift. I don't ever want to take them for granted.
"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom." ~ Psalm 90:12
"Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee." ~ Psalm 63:3