28 down and only 5 more to go!
So stands the radiation totals......
I am scheduled to complete my radiation treatment next Wednesday. Hard to believe, but again, the time has just flown by so quickly (thank you, Lord!). This week, they changed my treatment somewhat. I had been receiving photon rays and now am getting zapped with electrons on a very specific field, namely my scar and the immediate surrounding area, as this area is that which is most prone to reoccurance. The techs went into a whole lot of details describing the difference between what the photons do as opposed to what the electrons do. I will spare you the scienctific mumbo jumbo. Let it suffice to say that they work on a more concentrated level at a very specific target. I have so many markings on my chest right now, it is amusing!
I still tire easily, but the current inconvenience is that the skin on my neck is giving me fits. The burn from the radiation is worse there than on the chest area right now. And it hurts. And itches. So, I use the Benadryl and the Aquaphor as much as I can. Yesterday, the doctor also gave me some lidocaine jelly to apply with the Aquaphor. It helped so much.....it was very soothing. Once it dried, though, it slowly started to peel away to the point that everyone at home wanted to know "ooooh, what's wrong with your neck?" But, seriously, the discomfort is only an inconvenience. I feel blessed that I have made it this far through treatment with so little to outwardly show for it. Of course, my prayers are that inwardly I have a LOT to show for it!
I apologize to those of you who might have been checking in on the blog and finding no updates. I realized that there might still be a few faithful ones sticking it out for the long haul, and I haven't been updating as much as possible. The truth is that I just didn't have very much to report and to come and write "Another treatment down - no news!" seemed rather boring. Life has continued to be busy with work and school, just like with everyone else. It seems to have taken on a whole new normalcy and routine. In spite of that, I am still keenly aware of the passage of time and don't want to take these days for granted. I consider each one a gift from God and thank Him daily when the new day dawns.
Looking forward to finishing next Wednesday!
This Scripture has been on my heart lately, so I thought I would share it here:
"What does it matter? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed. I rejoice in this, yes, and will rejoice. For I know that this will turn out to my salvation, through your supplication and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and hope, that I will in no way be disappointed, but with all boldness, as always, now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life, or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." ~Philippians 1: 18-21
As I suspected, I left from my visit with the radiation oncologist today with some remedies for my ailments. Since my ailments are few, so are the remedies! I was told that I can use Benadryl to help with the itching, and the nurse gave me a product called Aquaphor to use on the areas of my skin that are red. Since she gave me a fairly small sample, I stopped on my way home to get a larger size. A pretty large "tub" of this ointment for "severely dry and cracked skin" now sits on my dresser. I was right about the answer for my fatigue......get more rest!
There is no other news to report; the doctor is pleased with the way I have been tolerating the treatments. God has definitely been gracious every step of the way!
Another week, another treatment.....
Just the facts, ma'am. I am not complaining, as I have passed the halfway mark in my radiation treatments!
Today marked treatment number 17; I am scheduled to have 33. I normally would have seen the doctor today after my treatment, but he had meetings to attend. I will see him tomorrow. Since the staff didn't want to disappoint me and let me go early, today they repeated my CT scan. The doctor wants to see if he can change the radiation fields a bit. So, in addition to today's treatment, I had another CT scan and x-rays.
I'll be curious to see what the doctor has to say tomorrow when I see him. I am just beginning to feel the effects of treatments. There is some noticeable redness to my skin as well as some bouts of really obnoxious itching. Hopefully, he'll be able to give me some easy fix for the issue. The extra fatigue which seems to be setting in is something for which he probably has no easy fix. That's ok........I've been tired before and know that a nap is a
good thing!
Thanks to everyone who contributed to Jaybird's walk to help fight breast cancer. I know who some of you are, but others may have been anonymous supporters, and this is the only way I know to thank you. Please know that I appreciate the love with which you gave of yourselves.
“Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me” ~Matthew 25:37-40
Twenty six years ago today.......
Little did we know then all of the plans God had for us. Little did we know that this year He would have us living out our marriage vows in a most tangible way....."
in sickness and in health".........

This has been a long journey, but it would have been a much more difficult journey if not for a life partner by my side to hold my hand during the rough times. Today, I am especially thankful for the gift I received years ago on a cool fall afternoon - that of a godly man who kept his word to me.